Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Discourse Of Discontent

His men called him Fartin' Farnie

Sir Admiral Farnsworth Lord Haha Billingsly III, Esq was a man of treasonous rank and serpentine wit which, of course, made his counsel highly treasured in the court of non-public opinion. In a room of golden inlays - for the value of one's surroundings proves the value of the one - he ruled the hearts of the heartless who had the stone cold gall to seek positions of the utmost trust knowing full well the discontent of the their disposition and whose ships stay afloat by swells of public dissonance and whose inflamed minds have no family but those on to whom blame can be placed.

"We must hide, ladies and gentlemen, inside the caverns of cruelty and hollows of hate in the hearts our fellow man. This is where the strings of power connect us to our puppets who, once firmly in our bidding, will decry it freedom to choose slavery! In the mirror they refuse to face, we paint them portraits of prestige they trust will fool our Maker and thus be safe in their consuming of life. Seek ye to keep ye blind.

"In this way, no future is possible - making it ours. So what matter what we do? Live a life one cannot rue! With this intoxication we control the world! With the reckless conviction of the inebriated and secular certainty of religious solemnity, they will, at our command, jump off the cliffs of despair, cheering us, flying our flags on the way to doom. In their suicide they will find meaning and purpose and direction so desperately craved yet zealously refused.

"After we contrive disasters inevitable, then do we protest with the greatest of outrage equaled only by the impotence of irreversibility. We are the Great Protectors, stomping out honesty in every quarter, railing against truth in every form - be it science, sex, or sorcery - and protesting injustice as the savior for our way of life.

"If I were to walk out of here onto the grand public plaza with my penis exposed to the world I'd be forever shamed and discarded. But if we propose murder, arson, rape - for their "enemies" today, (for them tomorrow!) - we'll be as untouchable as the clouds. So fuck 'em! Fuck 'em all! Fuck every last one of them. They both deserve and crave our contempt. Embrace the fullness of moral hypocrisy as the weapon of war that crushes the roots of hope.

"And have no reservation, Hope is our truest enemy. War and hate are the fuel for our fire. Forget the ostensible arguments you hear droning on, Life is nothing more than a battle for deserving love. Self respect cannot be tolerated! It's a battle that must be won at any cost. We don't have to win the reality, just the argument. Then we make the argument reality. That is how we win the world. That is how we win life."

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