Thursday, October 26, 2017

Punchin' Judy

I punched her right in the face. Never done anything like that before in my life.

You're kidding.

After all that time! She thinks she's going to come up and talk to me?

Who does she think she is?

And she's got this smirk on her face too. Couldn't even hide it. Like she's being clever or something.

What could she have been thinking?

I'm sure something has gone wrong in her life so now she communicates. Fuck me the rest of the time. After all these years! All those nights crying and mornings grieving...

What happened after you punched her?

She couldn't believe it. She damn sure wasn't smirking anymore. I think she discovered she's not the only person on the planet with feelings.

Didn't she say anything?

What's there to say? Time for talk has long past. Time was when I'd of killed for just one word from her. But as long as she had her sweet set up she didn't give a damn about anyone or anything. I think she realizes she's on her own now and I'm not waiting on her in her back pocket anymore. Bitch.

So that's it?

Yes. She's saving face calling it a #MeToo moment but I think that's just funny. You can never forgive true love.

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