Saturday, August 12, 2017

...Just Not Today

There are those who say most suffering in the world is needless and self-inflicted, that the sin in one area breeds heartache in another, like a used car salesman who swindles his customers who is then unable to have an honest home. They say we are cheating ourselves, like when we pretend there are nations when there is only one planet or that we are many races when we are, in fact, one soul. They say so many problems that seem unsolvable now will vanish in the blink of an eye once we tilt our perspective.

That's what they say, anyway.

But too many comfortable homes would be upended were we to answer those questions truly as we've built our civilization on a foundation of bribed injustice and mutual betrayal. When asked about our barbarism we simply plead, "Please, just a little longer! We'll fix it once and for all - just not today."

But there's no hope present in that so I called 1-800-GOD-LINE to talk to our Maker firsthand (never a busy signal!) As someone who's failed in both heaven and hell I ended up being most concerned about living life here on Earth. So I asked:

"What of the excruciating pain of love departed? Must we pay so dearly for our love?"

"Time will come when those tears are no more - just not today."

"And all the savagery of man competing against man. It can't go on!"

"Time will come when the lion and lamb, in all forms, lay down together - just not today."

"What of the senseless wars, of killing without seeing? We're chasing ghosts in our minds!"

"Time will come when you'll beat your swords into ploughshares and maintain armies nevermore - just not today."

"The number of poor is growing every day. The world is criminally enslaving itself to money. What's there to live for?"

"Time will come when the illusions that enslave you will be gone forever after self Revelation - just not today."

"I've seen people persecuted and jailed for speaking the truth. I've seen children mercilessly beaten with no one to turn to. I've seen the worst of the worst rise to the very top unchallenged. What's there to hope for?"

"Time will come when the world is un-perverted and permanently put in its natural order, many at the top will fall to the bottom and vice-versa - just not today."

"We wage holocausts on vulnerable groups, blaming them for our own sins. We assassinate those sent to save us. Terror after terror. Why do You not save and protect the good?"

"Time will come when the blood of the saints will be avenged - including ones whose name you do not know - just not today."

"We see vast hunger in a world that throws away food. We reward those who poison the planet. We jeer love as an impractical future. If the world keeps drowning in insanity then the world will cease to exist!"

"Yes, you are on the path to destruction taking both the innocent and the guilty. But salvation will surely come by My hand as I cannot let you perish."

"But salvation needs to be today. What good does it do to punish after a holocaust, after all the pain and suffering is wrought? It needs to be in real time.

"Now I have a question for you: When will you open your heart and finally let in the love you need and deserve?"

"I'll do that! I'll do all of that. That's something I'm most certainly going to do - just not today."

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