Sunday, May 13, 2012

GWB Liebrary: 21st Century Reichstag

Immerse yourself in the glory of a rising Germany!

Today we scoff at Nazi Germany, wondering how one nation could ever have become so deceived. Such obvious pandering and empty rhetoric would never work today we like to believe. But one thing has remained the same since time immemorial: Mankind itself. Oh, we might change our flavor of stupidities but never the level of it. On that we've not changed one iota.

Be careful not to laugh at our ancestors who worshipped small carved idols to "save" them. It is no different than our worshipping the money god to save us. Rare is the soul who even gives it a second thought so brainwashed are we. But there are those among us who know we deceive ourselves, who admit the lies we won't admit to ourselves. They use that to their advantage to sow death and destruction and share in their poisonous drink. We call these people anti-Christs.

Institute Far
America 2012. What will historians say of us?

And that's how the Bushes and Hitlers of the world rise to power, through our own moral failures. We foolishly think we if fail to admit those failures no one will ever find out and we'll be "saved". But if we were to admit our failures we could reverse our course and prevent future tragedies - and then we'd truly be saved. So you see, the price for perverting truth is ultimate doom.

This is how we've come to be building monuments to evil here today in America. A living abomination upon the landscape to hail the wrecking of a nation. Why do we want this? Why do we allow this? Why celebrate death, destruction and our demise? The tethering line to sanity has been snapped. All hail the Traitor-In-Chief! The masses shout in unison: Sieg heil! Sieg heil!

Liebrary Entrance Full Hard to imagine they'd want any Jews here either

The false priests who run the SMU campus sought in dire eagerness this ungoldy temple of worship. It is planned that false prophets, holy prevaricators, rapists of human justice, daylight demons, war pigs, bearers of false witness, crucifiers of Jesus and other assorted lowlifes and creatures without names will assemble here to revel in the darkness and spew forth filth into the air, land and sea. They will be praised by their fellow demons and seek to drown out voices of Light.

Liebrary Top Close

Will we become like the Germans of old who daily walked by swastikas until the evil seemed "normal"? What is sufficient penalty for lying your country into war? Where is our shame in needlessly sending our children to die (or worse)? Who is it who will come to vaunt our atrocities? Will school buses line up weekly to indoctrinate young minds before they learn to hate their parents for the Big Lie?

Institute Mound

Institute Scaffolding

Institute Entrance Close

No need to hunt down pictures of Nazi Germany erecting structures of madness. You can see it happening right now in Dallas, Texas. Recently our President said he was helpless but to enforce the laws on our books when it came to medical marijuana, he simply had no choice. Shame he doesn't feel that way about all laws, especially treason. Let us hope these hallways of the beast echo with the sounds of emptiness and one day we bulldoze this disgrace like a Saddam Hussein palace.

I wonder if this family plans to visit

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