Sunday, April 24, 2011

I've Come To Take You Home (Easter Video)

Prayer Mountain

I posted previously on the church compound at the top of what they call "Prayer Mountain" and it's my new favorite getaway place. I heard one guy trying to impress his date telling her this was the coolest place in all of Dallas. He may be right.

It's surrounded by hiking and biking trails created with a clear joy of the mountain and its natural beauty and views. At some point I will try to explore each and every one of them. The one trail I did manage to navigate turned out to be much more than I bargained for as its winding path took me a good thirty minutes to complete.

At the end I settled onto the observation deck to watch and record the sunset. I could hear the noises of children playing in the background and on my way in an Indian man positively beamed at me as I passed by recording my route. I smiled back as if to say, "Yes, this mountain is great!" I'm beginning to love this place.

Tree Atop Prayer Mountain 

Easter is a time for cleanliness and purity. I made a video with highlights of my walk complete with an obliging Easter bunny on the path! Sun, nature and animals - doesn't get much more pure than that. So let's go home now. The war is over if you want it.

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