Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I Be Scientist!

I is scientist! I don't believe nothin' that ain't nothin'! You don't know Darwin you don't know shit. It's like this cuz I know this, and this I duz know. Life is just about the knowin' and 'bout nothin' else. No make believe fantaseze pie-in-the-sky not knowin' nothin' world for me!

Ain't nothin' can happen I don't understandable. When you know science that the way it is: all the shit 'comes understandable 'cause I don't make up shit jess to suit me. Science is the answer for us grown ups. Let me know when you ready to face factuals, I's already there. I's all about reality. Anything I can't understand just can't be real!

You see them bums in the street dying like dogs? That's nature at work just like good Darwin sez, survival of fittest. We got to weed out weak so we all can get strongerz. I sees me this five year old with a crutch and I kicks it out under him! I ain't gonna let mankind die. We survivors are advancing humans to the next stage. We won't have to worry about being human no more, we gonna go way beyond that!

We used to be dumb and not know about money an' makin' money an' how money make everything work. The only ways to trustin' people is not trustin' 'em. Dang, wa wuz dumm back in the day! Now we got order 'stead of chaos 'cause nobody doin' what they want no more. It a scientifical fact ya gotta make people do right!

We getting smarterer ev'ry day too! There science answer for every problems. We just gotta put the right chemikill in people and that'll fix any what ail us. Find a peace chemikill and stick it in every last body then we got no more wars! No need to doo nuttin' else. It science what gonna save us, not wishful thinking!

If you ain't smart in science then you ain't smart! Is mathical science for all them kids or we gonna die! We don't need them singin' 'n' laughin' 'n' dreamin' their life away. We need them bein' practical. We gotta wire them kids right so they can be useful. We know how life s'possed to be. We got the formula down!

Ya knows how when you be really really smart? I means smarter then ever been before. Smarter then all the people ever went afore us put together! It's when you can put poison in ya and stillz come out alrighty! Yup, that how badass we izzle! Dear Nature, we large and in charge now! We makes da rulez!

When people speakin' 'bout their fancifull faith and other mystree of the mind I know I ain't fallin' fer nun of that! All me faith in the scientifical. You can'ts thretenz me with imaginables! I alreadys exactily know wot all the truth is -least ways till science priest prove it ain't so no more.

There ain't no man from Gallilee that ever walk on water. Fairy tales for the foolish that is! No way no one 'fore us know more 'bout nature then we duz now. Used to we didn't know nothin' from nothin' and the world was all goblins an' ghosts an ' guessin'. But now we got reason in the sin. We know alla nature there is to know! No more questionables!

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