Saturday, November 07, 2009

Yes, Democracy Has Failed Before - In England!

Oliver Cromwell, ass kicker

On Tuesday, 30 January 1649, Charles I was beheaded. England stood kingless and declared a republic ruled by parliament. Yippeeee!! Power to the people! The world is fixed!

Well, sorta. See, no cure can be implemented for assholes. (Since you say you don't believe in love, that is)

The man who led to the king's overthrow was Oliver Cromwell, a man who thought the idea of England without a king was "unthinkable" and sought merely to remedy the king's arbitrary rule of injustice. Ever hear of a guy who bankrupts his country with ambitious foreign invasions, squeezes the poor to the brink of disaster and grants favors based upon pure cronyism? England had its Charles I and we had our George II. See, man, it ain't the system, it's the people.

Cromwell, though a Puritanical maniac, was a true patriot who put his country first. The king's death necessary only as a last resort as he held out until the end in defiance of meaningful reform. Charles had forced Cromwell into open revolt and civil war and that left Cromwell in control of the military - and therefore the country. And though Cromwell could have very well made himself king, he handed power over to parliament to create a just and fair England at last, one that represented the people.

People not ready for the responsibility of citizenship.

I need a king to do my thinking!

Parliament turned corrupt as any king, self-dealing and self-serving in wholesale whoring. That again forced Cromwell from his country estate, to appear before them and deliver this oh-so-wicked tongue lashing:

...And I did think it to be my business rather to see the utmost issue, and what God would produce by you, than unseasonably to intermeddle with you. . . but you're such assholes I can't trust you to do anything!

"I will tell you somewhat, which, if it be not news to you, I wish you had taken very serious consideration of fucking up the country. If it be news, I wish I had acquainted you with it sooner you morons. And yet, if any man will ask me why I did not, the reason is, because I did make it my business to give you no interruption. Don't make me stop this car!

There be some trees that will not grow under the shadow of other trees; there be some that choose to thrive under the shadow of other trees i.e you're a bunch of shady bastards. I will tell you what hath thriven (your fucking greed), I will not say what you have cherished under your shadow (again, your fucking greed); that were too hard. Instead of peace and settlement we get Iraq and Afghanistan, instead of mercy and truth being brought together, and righteousness and peace kissing each other as opposed to kissing Republican's asses, by your reconciling the honest people of these nations, and settling the woeful tea party distempers that are amongst us, weeds and nettles, briars and thorns, have thriven under your shadow may no-bid contracts live forever.

Dissettlement and division, discontent and dissatisfaction, together with real dangers to the whole State, have been more multiplied within these five months of your sitting, than in some years before just couldn't wait to stick your hand in the cookie jar, could you. Foundations have also been laid for the future renewing of the troubles of these nations, by all the enemies of them abroad and at home with your fake ass "reform" that carries only political victories but popular burdens. Let not these words seem too sharp but I hope they sting like a bitch, for they are true as any mathematical demonstrations are, or can be...during your sittings but if I could I'd call you a bunch traitorous, no-good, lying bastards

More British heroes

Cromwell used his military backing to dissolve parliament and he ruled as "Lord Protector" for five years to initiate the reforms he deemed necessary. After his death, weak-kneed Englanders put Charles II on the throne and returned to a monarchy in order to get their ass kicked by America later on.

But America has given herself over to economic tyranny. Human weakness reigns supreme once more - leaving only us to rescue us. Our destiny lays within our hearts - and nowhere else.


Now back to our regular programming of exquisite pain:

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