Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cool Hand Harry

All men believe God wants them to die.
All men believe God wants them to suffer.
All men believe God wants life to be futile.

If you don't believe me, then look at the world at war around you. A futile world of death and suffering created by men (and the women who love them). Belief begets reality. When it's over with, the hand of death will know all four corners of the earth. Do not think punishment delayed is the same as punishment escaped. Or rather, do think it, so you can ensure it happens. My eyes will be pitiless.

Luke listened to the world and became a prisoner of it. Yet he listened to his heart and became God's prisoner as well. So while Luke had a hell to run from, he had no heaven to run to. No, heaven for Luke came in the form of a bullet. Heaven on earth is what men kill so we can keep feeding ourselves our same lies about life and prove our ungodly beliefs true.

Are you in a New York state of mind, strolling down midtown Manhattan, laughing with your friends and reveling in your clever career, thinking you've reached heaven on earth, thinking that self-reflection is for others with less, that you have it made? Thinking that if one is a successful prisoner of the world, then the world cannot touch you and God wants you to live. Then you too believe God wants you to die.

Are you crawling on your belly through desert sands, hoping that serving means saving, praying you're making a difference, lettings strings pull you the way you should go, that meaning can come from denying your thoughts and feelings and obedience is God. Thinking that if one is a successful servant of the world, then the world cannot touch you and God wants you to live. Then you too believe God wants you to die.

Are you full of spit and venom, screaming at your fellow man to change, feeling your message must get out above all else, thinking you can save the world if only you could get through, that others don't know the truth but that you can give it to them? Thinking that if one is a successful savior of the world, then the world cannot touch you and God wants you to live. Then you too believe God wants you to die.

It matters not if we ask ourselves if we believe truly, it matters not if we think we're saved or doomed, it matters not if we pray we do good deeds. We create our own fate regardless.

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