Sunday, May 20, 2018

He Asked Why

I heard a radio guy, Ed Wallace, who likes to talk about the economy and such ask why we don't build roads and other infrastructure like we used to. He quite rightly pointed out that those ancient endeavors paved the way for a rising economy for all. He considers the way we used to function as investing in our future and that's what took us to the top of the economic heap.

I don't disagree with any of that.

Then he said this. "And I don't understand for the life of me why we don't do that anymore." Ed's a smart guy and may or may not understand because the truth is too awful to face. For the simple reason is we don't invest for the future anymore is because we don't believe we have a future. Period.

Most of us are scrambling to get by. A much smaller slice is comfortably bribed and willing to look the other way as long as their lifestyle is not threatened. But those at the very top - who are free to see things the way they are - are the decision makers of how we proceed. They don't have to lie to themselves about what's going on. They realize that greedy people have no future. They realize that in any conspiracy it's the ones who betray it who go down.

So they see no way out but destruction. Why the fuck build roads for that?? Just take what you can get before it's all gone. You can see words to that effect in the emails sent right before the economic collapse of 2008. The world is just the same thing only on a larger scale. We are in our death throes. And for the record, no one who feels he has a future shoots up his school, either.

You can also hear the panic in their voices when they say, "Don't worry! It's been like this before!" Ever see a healthy person OD? Like any addict, as time goes on we forfeit pieces of our lives, we go through a downturn and suffer horribly. This is a warning sign, not a sign to keep on the same road as long as you didn't die! There's not much left to us at this point.

We don't have to live the way we do. We could trust to Nature and throw away all the artificial voodoo of our so-called systems of responsibility. We can give up our wicked ways voluntarily and move away from a greed based society or go through such horrific times we're forever cured of this insanity. And believe you me, the true and final horror has not yet begun to show itself. What we experince now is only the prelude.

Remember this when the angel of doom comes to visit you: let go of the past and embrace the future, because there certainly is one even if not as we currently choose to envision it.

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