Sunday, November 05, 2017

Is Lying Smart?

Polls really are fake news because people tell you what they want you to believe as opposed to what they actually believe. Luckily, I as a super-genius can cut through all that to get to the actual truth. See, we're all the same on the inside. The reality is there's no secrets and time is coming when we can no longer deny that. In the meantime we live in a hazy shade of grey - if one so chooses, that is.

So let's cut to the chase. Everyone - including avowed Trumptards - know that Dickhead Don is a pathological liar, a born loser, and a de facto foreign agent acting as the head of our government. This is known, if not admitted. Liars are like a child who holds his breath underwater and claims he can do that forever. Either he admits he's wrong or in time he dies. But until these people self-purge themselves from among us we have to listen to their howling hysteria and wild accusations.

If you're a soulless, habitual liar then nothing pleases you more than to see another soulless habitual liar win a popularity contest. But really, what's to be gained from that temporal moment? To have others to agree with your lies and to build on that Reich only traps you with your lies - buried alive - a favorite tactic of ISIS. So you see, Trumptards and ISIS have a lot in common! How many winners of the moment have gone done in permanent infamy in history?

"Is lying smart?" That's a question no liar wants to answer, for either he dooms himself by saying 'yes' or outs himself by saying 'no'. In fact, it reveals the level of a liar's self-delusion if he even attempts to answer. I'd love to see someone put that question to the Liar-in-Chief. He's probably dumb enough to answer!

But it's clear to the alleged supporters (as there are no real ones) of Queen Trumpy that they openly think lying is smart, that there's a thousand year future in it, and are delighting in the filth like a hog in mud. But even the dummy media is catching on to the con. I heard a reporter talking about how every time Caligula boy spewed forth another falsehood they'd all be scrambling away fact-checking only to find out "nobody cared", and that for Dear Leader "the truth is what you can get away with." Will be interesting to see how far they go down that line.

But there are many more lies than that to divest. Who really wants to give up the lie of -isms (capitalism, communism, socialism, etc), or the lie of money, or any other of the range of voodoo ritual religions we've concocted to "save" ourselves. We really are a silly people! If only I do [fill in the blank], I'm saved! Funny how that blank is never filled in with "listen to my conscience." That's why no one on either side of the aisle speaks with conviction - unless they're lying!

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