Thursday, November 30, 2017

Follow The Love

This photo still pisses some people off. Good.

"Love is the biggest issue."
- Yoko Ono

Apparently I'm due a Nobel Prize. Some schmuck figured out human emotions play a role in economic decisions and that people aren't logical robots tied to their seeming economic interests. Damn messy humans! Who knew?? That's still light years behind what I've been saying: "There are no economic problems, only moral solutions." I made that comment years ago at HuffPo and got duly roasted, of course. People are searching, scratching, screaming for anything, something, whatever, that has meaning outside of love. Threaten that illusion and they come after you with pitchforks.

But like Gandhi said: "Truth is one, paths are many."

Every life's driving force is love. Facing that is the key to understanding human nature and the universe we live in. Once you realize someone is committing an insane act because of love, it puts it in a different light. Caligula's supporters ostensibly hate people of color (because they fear anyone they see as different won't love them) and since Caligula boy wants their love he thusly abuses people of color; birds of a moron feather. What you begin to see is not just the evil being done, but the sad, desperate motives behind it. In the end, if you dig deep enough, it's always about love.

A successful con man is someone who knows what you won't admit to yourself. "I don't need love" is the phrase con men most love to hear. They will agree with you, egg you on. They'll tell you that people who say you do need love are your enemy - and in that way the con man earns your love. Then he gets you to vote for him, send him money, or whatever kind of support he's after. As long as you fail to be honest with yourself, the con man holds you in his grip. Their role in life is to trip you up, right or wrong. Whoever holds your love holds the power.

"They know the truth but they won't admit it." A TV pundit spoke those words regarding our elected cowards' fear (on both sides of the aisle) of rebuking Caligula. But that reflects us as a whole, as well. Say the wrong thing, lose your love! All our decisions are based on keeping love - including economic decisions as Igor figured out. Love is the one straight line that connects everything - no matter how much we try to pretend otherwise that we are being "logical" or "practical" or some other horseshit. Heaven sees our silly charades as we strike poses for love. We can't help ourselves.

We've set up false realities where we can "win". He's good at football - then commits suicide. He's a lucky millionaire - then shoots 200 people. We have all sorts of fake unreality winners. But love always bites in the end. Wait for it. The need for self-expression never fails. There's a reason many lottery winners piss away all their cash. They fear the guilt of getting something undeserved will also prevent them from being able to deserve love. The pull is irresistible and unyielding into the Light. Resistance truly is futile. People are puzzles, it's true, but every solution is the same. What a relief when we are finally one under the sun. Then we'll know the true meaning of power.

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