Sunday, May 27, 2018

Why I Shot My Classmates

I don't understand why everyone keeps asking why. It's simple really. There are many reasons and it's always the same.
1. We live in an honest and true world. It's a place of support that values every human life. Money means nothing compared to the welfare of one single person. The world grows more human by the day! They say the world does not have to be perfect for us to survive. So there's nothing to ask of this world it isn't already doing.
2. My future is bright and unlimited. I can do whatever I want. I'll never be trapped in a dead end situation stripping all meaning from life. I am not drowning in raging frustration because I get all the love I need and want. I need never lie to have acceptance. With things this good, I want to live forever!
3. Our God is a good and caring God, looking out for every life. No one receives injustice in his lifetime. God fixes everything. God can do anything so that means I can have no possible problems. I need never feel cut off with God. I'm never abandoned, rejected, or alone. I'm always perfectly fine and to be anything else is unthinkable.
Now tell me, does anyone care to dispute those reasons? Why, I never hear them disputed, not even for a second! Day and night I hear them repeated over and over with everyone nodding his head in assurance. Who am I to doubt the wisdom of so many heroes?? I must keep any disagreement stuffed deep inside or the righteous will shout me down. I learn right and wrong from your anger.

But I'll tell you one thing, if those reasons above are not true, then can you tell me why the fuck I shouldn't shoot anyone?

When one person sins, we all sin.

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