Thursday, October 12, 2017

Serenity Stones (Photo Essay)

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Every day is a journey,
and the journey itself is home.
- Basho

Without a home one is ground down into the grind of daily dust, parched lips never finding water. On the road, no one stops to see your tears. What do I have that cannot be taken from me? Dignity's loss is only a missed meal away. I'm a pauper of human hope.

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Where is the rock of rest upon my path? Where is the foundation that gives respite in a crumbling world? Whatever I grab onto slips through my fingers. That's both a burden and a relief.

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I can take refuge in a moment stolen from the gods who drive me onward. But like a dew drop falling from a leaf, I may enjoy the fall but the time is short, and my fate inevitable. The road calls out my name, regardless of weariness.

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Only the stones remain the same. They've witnessed ancient battles of warlords as well as Spring's first blossom. More than once they've marked my passing by. We've become friends. I was surprised, however, though much slower may be their demise, they too wonder of their fate in a roiling and reeling world.

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Which stone does not count? Whose dreams do not matter? Who is not meant for the light? What is hidden from the Laws of Nature? Where is Love's escape?

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I keep the illusion alive. She believes it still. Yes, I have a direction - but it leads nowhere. I pretend I'm on my way. I pretend to not know what I see. I pretend I can keep pretending.

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No man can choose the path for another. Every perspective holds a piece of a larger truth. Yet we demand one path and one viewpoint for every soul. Doing that is like carrying a large boulder on your shoulders. In time, you will be crushed by it.

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I see islands of serenity I cannot reach. I wonder of that life, ashamed of my ignorance. But I hold that dream in my head, letting it guide me like the Northern star. My fellow travelers often poke and prod me, but I tell them nothing of a dream they scorn. I see the fear behind the hate in their eyes. They tell me I must be like them or they'll throw stones at me, for their sin is sanctioned. But they are not sanctioned by the Serenity Stones. And without it their hearts turn to stone, as if that would shelter them from the cold.

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