Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Extemporaneous Extravaganza!

One day I decided to do something different as I was walking around downtown Dallas - and I got the most disturbing reactions!

"You have no idea what you're doing! You think you do but you don't!"

"You can't expose me! I'm too clever for you!"

"Hypocrite! Fool! Moron!"

"There's just no living with you! You're going to get us all killed!"

"Your children don't love you. I can see why!"

"You're a lonely man and you need much love."

"Ha! Sucks to be you, loser!"

"There's no profit in what you do. Change your ways!"

"That's simply not the truth. That's not anybody."

"Who the hell do you think you are! Reflecting on people like that!"

"Not funny."

"You are my worst enemy and I'm going to get you!"

"You think I would love you? Never! Never!"

When I got home I took off the two mirror sandwich boards I was wearing and wrote down everything I heard that day:

"I have no idea what I'm doing! I think I do but I don't!"

"I do expose me! I'm not too clever!"

"See a hypocrite, a fool, a moron!"

"There's just no living with me! I'm going to get us all killed!"

"My children don't love me. You can see why!"

"I'm a lonely man and I need much love."

"Help! Sucks to be me, a loser!"

"There's no profit in what I do. I must change my ways!"

"That simply is the truth. That is everybody."

"Who the hell do I think I am! Deflecting on me like that!"

"Not funny to see me."

"I am my worst enemy and I'm going to get me!"

"You think I would love me? Never! Never!"

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