Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wanna see prayer in school? Just say the magic words: Pop Quiz

There are those who don't want you to pray to Me. They will not allow you to lead your children to Me. They want to prevent Me from being in your schools. This is wrong. You know it is wrong. (I'm talking to you, ACLU!)

The enemy speaks of freedom. Yet, where is the freedom to worship Me? Should we not allow a person to publicly worship the God of their choice? How much harm can truly be done to a child to hear a few words in prayer to Me even if the child does not agree (yet)? But the right to hear Me has been denied!

I want to thank all of you who are fighting to allow My worship in our schools. I am pleased to see you do My bidding. Let us each pray that someday a child or parent may speak before all without fear, praising My word, and leading all to Me.

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