Saturday, January 21, 2006

I ain't your goddam conscience!

What we have here is: failure to bribe. I mean, gimme a fast car, good food and wild women and, yeah, I'd probably say everything is hunky-dory - and keep it the way it is. I wouldn't care how many people are suffering because they don't have money. What the hell can I do about it?? All I know is I got mine. Go get yours. Live the American nightmare.

However, since I'm on the receiving end of this, I'm going to tell you to go fuck yourself. I hate you and I spit on you and you can't stand it. You fear my words. For you know that without your money, you too would cry out to tear all this down and build something real. But you have been bribed to shut up. By keeping quiet, we can keep all our goodies. NOT!

Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." So if this Jesus guy is right, what we're really doing is destroying ourselves - all in the name of preserving ourselves. A tad ironic, neh? Won't be getting any sympathy from me! I'll be laughing my ass off watching you bastards standing in soup lines, grumbling, saying how this shit ain't gonna work. Too late then, moron!

So the bottom line is this: Get me one of these (SS version) and I'll shut up. That way it'll be nice and quiet as we rush towards the inevitable.

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